Saved from the Lake

IMG_6105Picture this: a beautiful, sunny day. Birds singing.  Boys playing football nearby. All 3 of my shivering, content children just brought to shore after swimming (alone with floaties!!), laughing, choking, blowing bubbles, and floating. All 3 children basking in the sun with our dear friend that owns the camp by this beloved lake. Floaties removed. Wrapped up like a burrito in their towels. Ready for a “snacky poo”.

And then….Mama ever so slowly, nonchalantly, makes her way back to the float and slides into the water, facing the shore. Without a word. Mama makes it maybe 20 feet out when spotted by said content children. Mama watches just how quickly the children can free themselves from a towel burrito, ask for help in putting Floaties back on (BAD dear friend!), and run like their lives depended on it to the water, while they shriek and squeal, and start frantically swimming towards me yelling, “Mama, we’re coming to save you from the lake”!!

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